A few weeks ago I was able to finish the high school drama I am Sam. I started this drama like two years ago. I am not sure how I got through it, because it was long and dry at times. The reason why I continued to watch it was I needed to see it till the end. The over all theme of this program left me needing the end. Basically we have a grown man who is a teacher somehow became entangled in this bratty high schoolers life. She develops a crush on him and that is pretty normal for young girls to crush on male teachers. BUT it seemed like he crushed on her back. Now I don't have issues with Oppa/Dongsaeng relationships but this went too far for me as in this situation he was a teacher and she was a student. The WHOLE time it is mentioned here and there how bad it looks or would look and they try to appear to not like each other, but they do.

Now I understand true love and I am all for it, but teacher student relationships in America is forbidden. I know what you are saying, but what about the Teacher student relationship in Flower Boy Ramen Shop? There is a difference... The female lead ended up quitting her job as a teacher and since the male lead was 19...he was able to consent. Now in I am Sam I don't actually remember the age of the female lead BUT I can assume she was at least 18 but it still made me uncomfortable. Now there wasn't any "skinship" really, but it was weird that the second male lead played by, T.O.P. never got further with her instead, the show ends with the teacher and the student after like four years had passed, still being much like they were before. It was weird, but I guess 4 years later its ok.... I don't know. I recommend this drama if you are a Lee Min Ho fan and want to see his earlier work, or if you are into high school drama's. I mean I did enjoy watching the plight of this teacher. It's not a horrible drama and it is FUNNY! So give it a chance if you are bored looking for a throw back.
PS: I also liked some of the gangster aspects....