Tuesday, June 28, 2016

K-Drama, K-Pop, and world devastation...

Of course here we are amidst another terrorist attack... It is so frustrating that this is happening all over  the world over and over again. AND the one thing that being a fan of K-Drama and K-Pop does for me is to realize and recognize that the fans are ALL over the World. 

I feel like due to the fact that being a K-drama/Kpop fan is spread out, meaning it is easier to find a fan of an underground artist in the United States than it is with K-Drama/Kpop. That happens at random if ever.  MANY of the people I have chatted with about K-Drama and Kpop live outside of the U.S.

Many of my readers are living in different countries... so when these terrible things happen the first thing I think of are the K-Drama/Kpop fans. 

My thoughts are with those who were effected by the attacks in Istanbul and the previous attack in Brussels. All my K-drama and kpop fans let's come together in prayer and thoughts for our fellow K-drama/kpoppers. We may not have anything in common, but one thing brings us together is the love of Korean Drama, Korean pop and Korean culture. 

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