Sunday, September 17, 2017

Save Me

Omg if you are not watching, "Save Me" you need to get on that stat. Go to DramaFever go wherever you can and watch. It's not cliche and it's a true thriller! Aside from the crazy scary cult, there's a governor who seems good, he?????  A story line of gangsters and Korean mafia-style gang banging... corruption and misguided believers of the cult and government officials intertwined.... suspense everywhere ....Taecyeon is in it, but all the twists and turns of this drama make you forget that he was the main reason you started watching in the first place. I put it to you like this, this drama has such a realistic cult storyline written that as a Christian I had to pray over myself after watching a scene when the had a girl who was allegedly possessed by Satan.  Its all super interesting and it's almost over... :(  and the mentioned Daegu... I wonder if that was coincidence or Taec's love for band member Jun. K

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