Monday, April 17, 2017

White can't have everyone else's culture..어떻게?

Ok so let's start with whitewashing... It's a thing that has been going for what seems like started when Europeans came to North America, Carribean, and South America. You know when they said they discovered a land that was already occupied, but the people who occupied the land they called Savages and killed many of those Natives. They brought this idea called slavery and had people from Africa working the land...while they raped them, creating little half-breed illegitimate children which went on to create a sick psychological idea that light skinned is better than dark skinned. Ok, lets move on from that sick history and let's go to Hollywood the place that is creating the most whitewashing currently. Back in the day they would do something called black face... they wouldn't put black folks in a movie they would paint themselves....slowly they allowed blacks in film, but they basically legit have black, yellow, brown, red, etc face still to this day. Back in the day, they would do yellow face as in have a white person play as an Asian. The would even tape their eyes back. (Disgusting) It's still happening. There are so many roles given to white people enough the character is based on a person of color. The latest situation was Ghost in a Shell...the main character was supposed to be Asian. But the TRUTH is that the white execs in Hollywood don't believe people of color will make a movie successful. They look at the statistics (based on white survey) and basically say look at the stats, people of color don't sell movies or music. SO DUMB!!!!!! 
An all white kpop group... omg I feel like I need go back into the history of kpop....I've been a kpopper for about 3-4 years now. Has influenced me... Hellz yeah from the way I talk to the way that I dress.... Do I want to be Korean... Hell no... I am black. I am an American Black. I am a Black American. Do I love Kpop? hellz yeah...can I sing in Korean... Hellz yeah... if my bias Jun. K said to come to Korea and sing on my record...HELLZYEAH!!! That still wouldn't make me kpop....BUT THE TRUTH DISGUSTING THING ABOUT THIS ALL WHITE SO CALLED KPOP GROUP is that for like 100 years people of color have been trying to break into crossover success. LISTEN to me.... there are legit great rappers ASIAN rappers and WE both white and black folks don't believe that these people can sell records which is why you don't see Asian rappers on MTV. They have tried but it never sticks.  There is true talent in Korea... Rappers, singers.... I didn't believe it either. But then.... 

(this one is for 19+) 
And this was just the guys... now don't get me wrong there are black producers and singers IN KOREA, Cha Cha Malone works with Jay Park. Recently this awesomeness was released...

Ok ok let's be real Kpop is a lot like hip hop/R&B and I could make the argument that Korean Artists and record labels have appropriated this style but I'm not.... I am not. That actually has happened in MANY COUNTRIES. Koreans have taken hip hop and R&B and made it into what they have today. BUT to take that thing they have made and put white folks in it... ugh... disgusting... BUT when I tell people that I listen to Kpop people are like HUH? I don't usually get into this stuff but wtf.... I guess I could say why even call it Korean Pop, it's all just music... you are so right... it is all just music...but I am not the one who created an all white boy group who decided to call my music kpop.... its sick... let's not.... This is just like back in the day when a black artist would make a song and then white producer use to have white singers re-release the song and it would just be the worst...this is the same thing....
This is what this (k) pop group has done.... you can take the idea but you can give it the same feeling.... PLUS girls like kpop for more than the music... um HELLO KOREAN MEN... if we wanted to listen to and wash white men... we have Nsync, Backstreet Boys and One Direction.... New Kidz on the Block...hell even O-town... 98 degrees... please do away with yourself EXP Edition....

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